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Date, Time & Location:                   


Wednesday, 10/02/2013  12:10p – 1:00 p.m.


Cullen Auditorium

Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas





Graham B.I. Scott, Ph.D.

Associate Professor
Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology and
Center for Space Medicine

Vice President, Chief Scientist & Institute Associate Director

National Space Biomedical Research Institute (NSBRI)


Lecture Title:                                 


“Towards Precision Space Medicine: Individual Responses to the Space Environment”


·         Graham Scott will highlight individual differences and phenotypic variability observed in astronaut crew members during spaceflight, as well as in analog environments.

·         He will also discuss current and future opportunities to employ modern –omics techniques, such as next generation sequencing, as a key component of space biomedical research.

·         Particular mention will be made of an upcoming flight study on the International Space Station involving a set of identical twin astronauts, namely Scott and Mark Kelly.

·         Dr. Scott will also touch on the planned use of personalized medicine approaches to better enable the upcoming Inspiration Mars mission that will involve a husband and wife couple.

Please contact me if you need additional information about this elective.

Nancy Gibbins

Center for Space Medicine

Baylor College of Medicine
