Dear Students and Faculty,

The next BCM Space Medicine Journal Club will be held on Tuesday, 6/21/2016 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.   Please RSVP to me by Monday, 6/20/2016.

Presentation Order:

Student Presentation and Demonstration:  Sonia Gomez Parra, BCM Medical Scientist Training Program (MD/PhD)

Presentation Title:  Cancer research in space and how point-of-care devices can contribute

Article Review: Smith, SD (2002). Characterizing the effects of airborne vibration on human body vibration response. ASEM. 73(1): 36-45.

Student Leader:  Vignesh Ramachandran, BCM MS-2

Quiz Questions for Chapter 5:   Vibration and Acoustics.

Student Presenter:  Bobby Hazel,  Visiting Student with the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Please note:    Dr. Jon Clark kindly provided an additional article to supplement this month’s readings, “Human Issues related to Spacecraft Vibration during Ascent.”

Center for Space Medicine Address:

BioScience Research Collaborative
6500 Main Street, 9th Floor – Meet in the Board Room
Houston, TX 77030-1402

As always, informal dinner will be provided followed by the student presentation, article review and chapter quiz questions.


Nancy Gibbins
Center for Space Medicine
Baylor College of Medicine